Sunday, December 6, 2015

Top 10 On-page Optimization Tips to Create an Effective Landing Page

When it comes to search engine optimization in 2015 it is of the upmost importance that it is done with quality and Google’s T&C’s in mind. Over the last few years many webmasters have suffered penalties for poor SEO techniques, some of which have never been able to pick-up the reigns and get back on track.

#1. On-page Optimization Tip to Create an Effective Landing Page


It’s all about the title tag
The first thing that any user will see in the search engine is the title tag, and there are a few things you need to remember with this.
  1. It needs to explain what your site is about in 70 character or less
  2. It needs to be a call to action to guide the user into clicking through
  3. It still needs to hold 1 or 2 major keywords
  4. It can’t just be keyword after keyword 

#2. On-page Optimization Tip to Create an Effective Landing Page


Create a clear and concise Meta description
The second thing people are going to see is the Meta description, and again this has to be a section that is well-written and describes clearly what is going to appear to the user once clicking through.
Even though it hold no weight for keywords Good Monster, an SEO agency in Syracuse state that it’s still good to include your main keyword as it will appear bold (under that search term).
Keep it under 150 characters if you can, and draw people in with a call-to-action.

#3. On-page Optimization Tip to Create an Effective Landing Page


Content is king
Well-written content goes a long way, more than ever before. If you happen to be an expert in your field then write about it.
Use stats, figures and anything that isn’t already out there in the public domain to make your content stand out, get shared and be looked at as a valuable source.

#4. On-page Optimization Tip to Create an Effective Landing Page


Don’t forget about your URL
Many SEO’s forget to optimize their URL, so make sure this is on your list of things to do. Get rid of the long-drawn out URL and optimize it for the keyword on that page, make it looking appealing and tidy.

#5. On-page Optimization Tip to Create an Effective Landing Page


Add Social Sharing Options
This sounds like a simple thing, right? You wouldn’t believe how many people forget to do it. You’ve created great content so let people share it easily by using social sharing icons.

#6. On-page Optimization Tip to Create an Effective Landing Page


Got images? Tag them
If you have images on you page then don’t forget to place an ALT tag on them which not only helps optimization for search engines but also usability. If your image doesn’t display for whatever reason then you the ALT tag will be present (a line of text describing the image).

#7. On-page Optimization Tip to Create an Effective Landing Page


Use one H1 tag
A simple tip, just use one H1 tag at the top of your page, otherwise you are going to confuse search engines .

#8. On-page Optimization Tip to Create an Effective Landing Page


Make use of good call-to-actions
This tip will do the world of good for your conversion rates as well, so subliminally create good call-to-actions and repeat them throughout the site to get the reader’s attention.

#9. On-page Optimization Tip to Create an Effective Landing Page


Make your site mobile
In an age of Smartphones and Tablets you would be a fool not to make your site responsive so that it can be viewed on any device.

#10. On-page Optimization Tip to Create an Effective Landing Page


Use breadcrumbs
Breadcrumbs can be used for navigation which helps the user but also builds up internal linking on your site. Doing this will lower your bounce rate too.

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